objective c vs c sharp performance

iPhone from A Game Developer's Perspective: Objective C | Games.
for(;;) vs. for(:) in Objective-C Performance and Practice. some difference in performance like any other languages such as Javascript and C#.
For example creating a Socket object as opposed to the C socket API. Finally .. in a GC'ed language, but it's not available in either Java or C#).
What are the possible reasons that Objective-C is not particularly popular. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or specific expertise, but this . NET, C#. This new influx is of course based on whatever agenda Microsoft .. even get better performance with C++ than with C. Even now, there is no way I.
Mar 1, 2013. I think over time(no idea how long) you could see C# overtake obj-c for one. realise that you can get native performance (and better) from mono.. I have never developed an app using java or objective-c so I only have my.
Should i learn Objective C or C++? - C / C++ - Bytes.
objective c vs c sharp performance
How different is Objective-C from C++? - Stack Overflow.Why was Objective-C popularity so sudden on TIOBE index?
See Comparison of Java and C Sharp for more on this topic.. For instance early versions of Visual Studio had poor support for Intellisense in C# compared to. This construct is available so that a programmer may select an object from the. due to the fact it increases application performance, and eliminates the chance of.
Jan 10, 2010. Enter Objective-C: This is the language that iPhone apps are usually written in.. for new commands, which probably isn't a good idea performance-wise. ... if you want to pass one or even multiple strings from obj-c to C#.
Dec 29, 2008. Not only was I able to get up to speed and functional in a matter of days, but I. Let's get the most obvious one out of the way: Objective C.. chose to create C# instead of adopting/extending Objective C (or maybe I'm not that.
Mar 6, 2007. I expect all the nice features of C# to bring a performance-penalty into. preferably one that is for people with a background in C/C++ and with ... in C#), whereas C++ allows either object-oriented or procedural programming.
Jun 3, 2011. App demos should include code and/or architecture discussion. .. C etc. give very low level access to memory to which variables are an ... I'll use C# as an example, as the concept / usage of lambdas in C# is .. If so, does this mean that using lambdas can have a negative effect on runtime performance?
c# - MonoTouch vs Objective-C for iPhone/iPod/iPad development.
Objective-C Comes of Age - Slashdot.
objective c vs c sharp performance
5 top reasons for selecting MonoTouch over ObjectiveC.
What are the main differences between Objective-C and C++ in terms of the syntax, features, paradigms, frameworks and libraries? *Important: My goal is not to start a performance war between the two. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd put the difference at about 6 or 7. ... Full-Stack C#, Javascript, and ASP.
Apr 30, 2011. That says a lot about performance for regular applications. .. I think Objective-C balances these concerns - small or big, dynamic or inflexible, .. code in 3 places just to define a property, nor do I have to do this in C# or F#.
Apr 13, 2011. I'm pretty confident programming in Objective-C and C++, but I find. there might be performance issues with Obj-C compared to code written in C/C++. .. I did mention c# vs c++ it was no where near obj-c vs c++ – Zaky.
![C# builds on support for generics from the virtual execution system. checks, these operations represent a performance overhead.. Object tenPairs = new Pair<Integer, String>[10]; // error.](http://www.codeproject.com/KB/linq/performance_comparisons/image001.png)
Help! Why is my Objective-C code so.: Apple Support Communities.
Mar 14, 2011. In my last iDevBlogADay post about iPhone & C# development I was. Although it is not as wrist friendly as Python or other script languages, C# allows you to. Do you feel that writing callback methods in Objective C could be simpler? .. grain control over the memory I'm using is key for best performance.
C,C++. Application or Server development where memory management. C#. Rapid client application development. High performance Server .. Also, in the C family, Objective-C has the best mix of power and simplicity in my.